UConn Summer Institute
on Scientific Teaching

Save the Date: May 19-22, 2025 and join us at UConn on the Storrs Campus!

ie3 green letters

The UConn Summer Institute (UConn-SI) is an immersive, project-based workshop for faculty. UConn-SI follows a Mobile Summer Institutes (MoSIs) model that combines the pedagogical approach of the National Academies with: 1) a peer mentoring and evaluation workshop, 2) a scholarly teaching workshop, 3) a strategic planning workshop, and 4) an administrator’s workshop. Elements of UConn-SI are based on Charles Henderson’s 4 Categories of Change model and highlight the need for surrounding educators with a supportive environment while they implement teaching strategies to improve student learning and success.

UConn-SI employs the strategies presented during the institute. Workshops on the elements of Scientific Teaching - Inclusivity, Backward Design, Active Learning, Student-Centered Learning, Assessment, and Evaluation - are combined with small project-based, working group sessions where participants tackle a self-selected project or project idea using their newly acquired skills and methods. The groups present their work for peer-review near the end of the week. Participants leave with practical knowledge and skills on how to incorporate new instructional strategies into their teaching and learning spaces.

Is there a stipend?

Yes! A stipend of $1,000 will be provided to each participant.

Can I attend as an individual?

We STRONGLY encourage attendance as a team. If you have a project but do not have a team, please contact Martina.Rosenberg@uconn.edu to discuss whether your project idea aligns with another team or for support in gathering a team.

When is the deadline to apply?

The deadline to apply is March 1, 2025. The registration link is here: 2025 Mobile Summer Institute (MoSI) Application

What is a team?

Team applicants are typically two-four faculty with common learning objectives and are often but not limited to faculty in the same unit.

What are the differences between a team and a group?

A 'team' refers to the application team, while a 'group' refers to the working group assembled at the institute to work on a project. Teams will have the option of working together as a group or the individuals may join other Institute groups

Why do I need a letter of support from my department head?

Department head support is imperative for several reasons:

  • You should not be expected to work for free
  • Your time is valuable and should be protected
  • Your work is important and deserves recognition
  • Your effort toward departmental change should align with the Department’s strategic plan

Teams should schedule a meeting with their department heads to discuss the scope of the project, its value to the department, and departmental resources needed to complete the project (release from departmental service, course release, funding, etc). Any departmental resource commitments should be listed in the letter of support.

Do participants get some sort of certificate or recognition letter for taking part in the MoSI?

Yes, participants who successfully complete the MoSI will get certificates that distinguish them as Scientific Teaching Fellows and facilitators will get certificates as Scientific Teaching Mentors.

Is there any follow-up after the institute?

Yes. Your facilitator is with you for the length of your project! Facilitators provide checkpoints, feedback, peer review sessions and individual consultations to ensure your project is a success.

Who will facilitate the UConn-SI this year?

The MoSI team, composed of national leaders in education reform, travels to post-secondary institutions and trains a critical mass of educators through active problem solving and discussion. This year’s team includes:

  • Michelle Withers - Associate Professor of Biology at Binghamton University and a STEM Educator for the university's Center for Teaching and Learning.
  • Deb Pires - Instructional Consultant and Academic Administrator UCLA Center for Education Innovation in Life Sciences

What is a typical schedule for a MoSI?

Below is a sample agenda.  This is a general schedule of events in a Mobile Summer Institute. Any changes in the schedule will be communicated in advance.

Day Time Monday Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday   Friday 
9-9:30 Inclusivity

Backward Design II
Scholarly Teaching Group Work IV

Strategic Planning II:
Action Planning

10:00-10:30 Presentations
10:30-11:00 Scientific Teaching in Action
Peer Mentoring/ Evaluation
12-12:30 Group Reports
12:30-1:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch w/administrators
1:00-1:30 Backward Design I
Group Work II Group Work III Presentations
Administrator workshop
2:30-3:00 Caucusing
Group Share


Strategic Planning I:
Visioning, Needs Assess.

3:30-4:00 Group Work I
4:30-5:00 Facilitator Debrief
Facilitator Debrief Facilitator Debrief



This activity is sponsored by the HHMI IE3 award (inclusive-excellence.initiative.uconn.edu/)